Easy Way to Get Tomestones of Creation Ff14

The Tome shop in Camp Revenant's Toll.

They're relics from the Allagan Empire, a civilization what thrived durin' the Third Astral Era. That's around five thousand years ago, in case you're wonderin'. Despite their tiny size, each one's said to contain a library's worth o' knowledge o' the past. They've gained some amount of popularity among the rich eccentrics o' the realm, who buy the tomestones from me by the bagful. An' for my part, I source them from adventurers like yourself. The Allagan Empire once spanned all Eorzea, so there's no shortage o' places where tomestones might be found. Bring me whatever you come upon durin' your escapades, an' I'll strike you a deal.

Allagan Tomestones (アラガントームストーン, Aragantōmusutōn ?) are a special currency and item in Final Fantasy XIV. They are solid-state data archives used by the Allagan Empire, a civilization that thrived during the Third Astral Era, and as such are considered very valuable. The player can exchange tomestones they obtain for high level equipment by talking to merchants in most major cities.

Types of Allagan Tomestone [ ]

Currencies [ ]

Allagan Tomestone currencies are awarded for completing various high level activities. Allagan Tomestones of Poetics are available to the player at any level (assuming they are capable of unlocking and clearing the content that awards them), all other tomestones require the player to have at least one class or job at the level cap, with any reward involving them adjusted to award experience or Poetics at lower levels.

All tomestone currencies are capped at 2000. Furthermore, aside from the 2 to 4 week period between the launch of an expansion and the introduction of the second tomestone tier alongside the expansion's first savage raid, only 450 of the highest tier can be earned per week (for the fourth tier of an expansion, this weekly restriction is typically loosened to 900 a few months before the next expansion is released). As higher tiers of tomestones are introduced, lower tiers (excluding Poetics) are deprecated, and have to be converted to either the next tier up or Poetics, depending on the tier. If the player still has tomestones of a tier that are being removed, they will be rendered forfeit.

Name Icon Description
Philosophy Allagan Tomestone of Philosophy. Available from the launch of A Realm Reborn, these were used to purchase Darklight equipment (Item level 70). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 2.2, and removed entirely in patch 2.4. Darklight equipment can now be obtained from dungeons that were added in patch 2.2.
Mythology Allagan Tomestone of Mythology. Available from the launch of A Realm Reborn, these were used to purchase vintage gear (Item level 90), higher item level variants of Artifact Equipment. This currency was made unobtainable in patch 2.4, and removed entirely in patch 3.0. A full set of Vintage gear can now be obtained from the end of a job's A Realm Reborn storyline, and extra copies can be obtained by trading the antique equipment found in dungeons that were added in patch 2.4.
Soldiery Allagan Tomestone of Soldiery. Introduced in patch 2.2, these were used to purchase Weathered Masterworks equipment (Item level 100, upgradable to unweathered Masterworks, item level 110). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 3.0, and removed entirely in patch 3.2. Masterworks armor can now be obtained from Hunts, and the weapons can now be bought with Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
Poetics Allagan Tomestone of Poetics. Introduced in patch 2.4, these were formerly used to purchase Ironworks equipment (Item level 120), but are now used to buy their upgraded form, Augmented Ironworks equipment (Item level 130).

Allagan Tomestones of Poetics are the only tomestones that are not deprecated over time. When a new expansion comes out, the tomestone exchanges from the previous expansion that were not already deprecated change to using Poetics.

Law Allagan Tomestone of Law. Introduced in patch 3.0, these were used to purchase Yasha equipment (Item level 170, upgradable to Asuran equipment, item level 180). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 3.2, and removed entirely in patch 3.4. Asuran equipment can now be purchased with Centurio Seals at the Forgotten Knight tavern in Ishgard.
Esoterics Allagan Tomestone of Esoterics. Introduced in patch 3.05, these were used to purchase Antiquated Artifact Gear (Item level 200, upgradable to Artifact Gear, item level 210). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 3.4, and removed entirely in patch 4.0. Artifact Gear can now be purchased with Centurio Seals at the Forgotten Knight tavern in Ishgard, and is obtained automatically at the end of a job's Heavensward storyline.
Lore Allagan Tomestone of Lore. Introduced in patch 3.2, these were used to purchase Eikonic Gear (Item level 230, upgradable to Augmented Eikonic Gear, item level 240). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 4.0, and was removed entirely in patch 4.2. Augmented Eikonic Gear can now be bought with Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
Scripture Allagan Tomestone of Scripture. Introduced in patch 3.4, these were used to purchase Shire Gear (Item level 260, upgradable to Augmented Shire Gear, item level 270). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 4.0, and was removed entirely in patch 4.2. Augmented Shire Gear can now be bought with Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
Verity Allagan Tomestone of Verity. Introduced in patch 4.0, these were used to purchase Ala Mighan gear (Item level 310). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 4.2, and removed entirely in patch 4.4. Ala Mhigan Gear can now be bought with Centurio Seals at Rhalgr's Reach or Kugane.
Creation Allagan Tomestone of Creation. Introduced in patch 4.05, these were used to purchase Lost Allagan Gear (Item level 330, upgradable to Augmented Lost Allagan Gear, item level 340). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 4.4, and removed entirely in patch 5.0. Lost Allagan Gear can now be bought with Centurio Seals at Rhalgr's Reach or Kugane.
Mendacity Allagan Tomestone of Mendacity. Introduced in patch 4.2, these were used to purchase Ryumyaku Gear (Item level 360, upgradable to Dai-ryumyaku, item level 370). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 5.0, and removed entirely in patch 5.2. Dai-Ryumyaku Gear can now be bought with Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
Genesis Allagan Tomestone of Genesis. Introduced in patch 4.4, these were used to purchase Scaevan Gear (Item level 390, upgradable to Augmented Scaevan Gear, item level 400). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 5.0, and removed entirely in patch 5.2. Augmented Scaevan Gear can now be bought with Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
Goetia Allagan Tomestone of Goetia. Introduced in patch 5.0, these were used to purchase Ronkan gear (Item level 440). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 5.2, and removed entirely in patch 5.4. Ronkan Gear can now be bought with Sacks of Nuts at the Crystarium or Eulmore.
Phantasmagoria Allagan Tomestone of Phantasmagoria. Introduced in patch 5.05, these were used to purchase Deepshadow gear (Item level 460, upgradable to Augmented Deepshadow Gear, item level 470). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 5.4, and removed entirely in patch 6.0. Augmented Deepshadow Gear can now be bought with Sacks of Nuts at the Crystarium or Eulmore.
Allegory Allagan Tomestone of Allegory. Introduced in patch 5.2, these were used to purchase Crystarium gear (Item level 490, upgradable to Augmented Crystarium Gear, item level 500). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 6.0. Augmented Crystarium Gear can now be bought with Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
Revelation Allagan Tomestone of Revelation. Introduced in patch 5.4, these were used to purchase Cryptlurker gear (Item level 520, upgradable to Augmented Cryptlurker Gear, item level 530). This currency was made unobtainable in patch 6.0. Augmented Cryptlurker Gear can now be bought with Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
Aphorism Allagan Tomestone of Aphorism. Introduced in patch 6.0, these are used to purchase Moonward gear (Item level 570).
Astronomy Allagan Tomestone of Astronomy. Introduced in patch 6.05, these are used to purchase Radiant gear (Item level 590, upgradeable to Augmented Radiant Gear, item level 600).

Other items [ ]

Name Icon Description
Unidentified Allagan Tomestone Unidentified Allagan Tomestone. Obtained in the Second Coil of Bahamut and Syrcus Tower, could be traded for the Gerolt Masterworks weapons. This item was made unobtainable in patch 5.3; weapons can now be purchased directly with Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
Encrypted Tomestone Encrypted Tomestone. Could be traded for Ironworks Magitek weapons. Found in the Final Coil of Bahamut, and one could be obtained per week for completing all three parts of the Crystal Tower raid. Made unobtainable in patch 5.3.
Allagan Tomestone of Theology Allagan Tomestone of Theology. A key item obtained in the quest "A Fiendish Likeness" used to unlock Containment Bay S1T7 (Extreme).
High-capacity Tomestone High-capacity Tomestone. Purchased with items dropped from Alexander: Midas, could be traded for Eikonic weapons. Made unobtainable in patch 5.3.
Allagan Tomestone of Divinity Allagan Tomestone of Divinity. A key item obtained in the quest "A Deific Simulacrum" used to unlock Containment Bay P1T6 (Extreme).
Micro Tomestone Micro Tomestone. Purchased with items dropped from Alexander: Creator, could be traded for Shire weapons. Made unobtainable in patch 5.3.
Allagan Tomestone of Eikonology Allagan Tomestone of Eikonology. A key item obtained in the quest "A Demonic Duplicate" used to unlock Containment Bay Z1T9 (Extreme).
Early Model Tomestone Early Model Tomestone. Purchased with items dropped from Deltascape, could be traded for Lost Allagan weapons. Made unobtainable in patch 5.3.
Prototype Tomestone Prototype Tomestone. Purchased with items dropped from Sigmascape, could be traded for Ryumyaku weapons. Made unobtainable in patch 5.3.
Military-grade Tomestone Military-grade Tomestone. Purchased with items dropped from Alphascape, could be traded for Scaevan weapons. Made unobtainable in patch 5.3.
Lightweight Tomestone Lightweight Tomestone. Purchased with items dropped from Eden's Gate, could be traded for Deepshadow weapons. Made unobtainable in patch 6.0.
Perdurable Tomestone Perdurable Tomestone. Purchased with items dropped from Eden's Verse, could be traded for Crystarium weapons. Made unobtainable in patch 6.0.
Defragmented Tomestone Defragmented Tomestone. Purchased with items dropped from Eden's Promise, could be traded for Cryptlurker's weapons. Made unobtainable in patch 6.0.
Discal Tomestone Discal Tomestone. Purchased with items dropped from Asphodelos, can be traded for Radiant's weapons.

Irregular Tomestones [ ]

Introduced in the lead up to Shadowbringers, Irregular Tomestones are tokens used in Moogle Treasure Trove events. Containing data that is considered just too strange to be worth anything to normal collectors (in addition to the fact that they are types of tomestone that are so old to be considered worthless anyway), they are instead collected by the Itinerant Moogles located in Ul'dah, Limsa Lominsa and Gridania, in exchange for a random selection of items from older content, as well as one new item for exchanging 100 tomestones.

Name Icon Event Duration New Item
Philosophy Irregular Tomestone of Philosophy. 30 May, 2019 - 28 June, 2019 Namazu Earring Namazu Earring
Mythology Irregular Tomestone of Mythology. 30 September, 2019 - 29 October, 2019 Mameshiba Earring Mameshiba Earring
Soldiery Irregular Tomestone of Soldiery. 20 January, 2020 - 18 February, 2020 Namazu Neckerchief Namazu Neckerchief
Law Irregular Tomestone of Law. 18 May, 2020 - 11 August, 2020 Mameshiba Neckerchief Mameshiba Neckerchief
Esoterics Irregular Tomestone of Esoterics. 15 March, 2021 - 13 April, 2021 Namazu Earring Namazu Earring
Pageantry Irregular Tomestone of Pageantry. 14 May, 2021 - 14 June, 2021 Great Serpent of Ringa Great Serpent of Ringa
Lore Irregular Tomestone of Lore. 19 October, 2021 - 3 December, 2021 Inferno Jacket Inferno Jacket
Scripture Irregular Tomestone of Scripture. 14 March, 2022 - 11 April, 2022 Mameshiba Earring Mameshiba Earring
Verity Irregular Tomestone of Verity. 25 July, 2022 - Late August 2022 Demon Brick Earring Demon Brick Earring

Shops [ ]

The player can purchase equipment and items with Allagan Tomestones at Rowena's House of Splendors merchants (labeled "Tomestone Exchange") in Limsa Lominsa, Ul'dah, Gridania, Revenant's Toll, Ishgard, Idyllshire, Kugane, Rhalgr's Reach, the Crystarium, Eulmore, or Radz-at-Han.

Other appearances [ ]

Final Fantasy XV [ ]

A recording medium used in the ancient Allagan Empire of another world. Adventurers risk life and limb to collect these stones as a type of currency.


Y'jhimei's trading post.

Allagan Tomestones are key items acquired in Adventurer from Another World collaboration quest with Final Fantasy XIV. They can be used at Y'jhimei's trading post after defeating the quest's boss to trade for new ultimate weapons for Final Fantasy XV.

The player can find three batches of 30 tomestones for a total of 90 per playthrough of the quest. The tomestones can also be obtained from the boss, Garuda, however, it only yields them one at a time, making collecting them from the keep the superior method. If the player wants all the weapons available at the trading post, they can amass more tomestones via Chapter Select to reset the quest progress while keeping their items (however, this basically acts as a New Game Plus).

War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius [ ]

Tomestone of Goetia.

An item that can be acquired in FFXIV Collaborative Events and exchanged for various items at the Tomestone of Goetia Exchange Shop.


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Behind the scenes [ ]

The Tomestone emote.

The Tomestone emote was introduced in patch 4.4 in which the player character shows a Poetics Tomestone and uses it as a mobile device. This emote can be obtained by registering the Final Fantasy XIV Companion app.

The Scrips is another type of currency with a similar role and limitations to the Allagan Tomestones, though these are actually focused on the crafter and gatherer disciplines.

Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers has a scene where the Warrior of Light sees some Tomestone mobile devices and feels disappointed, an allusion to the tiring duty of constantly farming Tomestones at the endgame.


Source: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Allagan_Tomestone

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