Can I Draw on Stamps

The Big Picture Art Project, Sandrine Pelissier, Babeanu, how to participate, simple drawings, artists network
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When it comes to getting yourself ready to start making art, a creative exercise to try is stamping. This technique is also an easy way to take part in our collective art initiative, The Big Picture Art Project. Stamping can be fast, fun and freeing. Here's how to get started.

Stamp Your Way into Your Next Art Project

Only a few materials are needed for this stamping technique:

  • Paper (I used mixed media paper)
  • Stamps
  • Stamp pad
  • Pencil Eraser
  • White acrylic paint (for any clean up)
Stamping Technique | The Big Picture Art Project | Sandrine Pelissier | Artists Network
Draw a large square on paper

Square it up. Start by drawing a square on a piece of mixed media paper to establish the borders of your composition. Since you won't be able to create a detailed drawing with stamps, I recommend making the square fairly big.

Stamping Technique | The Big Picture Art Project | Sandrine Pelissier | Artists Network
Draw the outline of your subject. Here I am using a photo reference of my daughter to create a simple contour drawing.

Establish a base drawing. To establish a stronger foundation for your stamping, try first drawing a quick sketch. In the image above, I am working on a simple contour drawing from a reference image.

Do not spend too much time on the details. Being accurate or even creating a likeness to the subject isn't important for this technique.

Stamping Technique | The Big Picture Art Project | Sandrine Pelissier | Artists Network
Try using letter stamps for this technique

Try using letters. A fun way to carry out this technique is to select stamps shaped as the letters that spell out what you are drawing.

Stamping Technique | The Big Picture Art Project | Sandrine Pelissier | Artists Network
My stamps that spell out Rio de Janeiro

It could be the name of what, or who, you are drawing or a place that may have influenced your project. For example, I've used the letters for the city of Rio de Janeiro for a stamp art inspired by that city, as well as the letters of my daughter's name for a stamp portrait.

Stamping Technique | The Big Picture Art Project | Sandrine Pelissier | Artists Network
You can use stamp letters for both mark-making and as a writing tool

Spell it out.In addition to using the stamp letters as a mark-making tool, you can use them to actually write or spell something out in your drawing. For example, the name of the subject, the title of your art, or just inspirational/influential words and phrases.

Stamping Technique | The Big Picture Art Project | Sandrine Pelissier | Artists Network
To create darker values, stamp more heavily in desired areas

Add value. Use your stamps to establish different values in your drawings by stamping more heavily in the areas you want to be darker, and less in the areas you want lighter.

Stamping Technique | The Big Picture Art Project | Sandrine Pelissier | Artists Network
An example of different tones created by stamping

Keep on stamping until you establish the right tone(s) in your drawing.

Stamping Technique | The Big Picture Art Project | Sandrine Pelissier | Artists Network
An eraser is a great mark-making tool for smaller areas

Use an eraser as a stamping tool. If you need a smaller stamp for details, you can also use the small eraser at the end of a pencil to hone in on certain areas.

Stamping Technique | The Big Picture Art Project | Sandrine Pelissier | Artists Network
An eraser can also be used as a blending/shading tool

Shade in as desired. The eraser can also be used to smudge a bit of the stamp ink to create shading in certain areas of your drawing.

Stamping Technique | The Big Picture Art Project | Sandrine Pelissier | Artists Network
Instead of an eraser, you can use white acrylic to "erase" or clean up

Cleaning it up. If you need to make any adjustments or clean up a few stains, try using a bit of white acrylic.

Not only is this stamping technique great for loosening up and getting into a creative mindset, but it also can produce rather stunning art. Below are a few examples of my own stamp drawings.

Stamping Technique | The Big Picture Art Project | Sandrine Pelissier | Artists Network
My Matcha tea drawing ended up a bit abstract, but I like it.
Stamping Technique | The Big Picture Art Project | Sandrine Pelissier | Artists Network
Rio de Janeiro drawing by Sandrine Pelissier
Stamping Technique | The Big Picture Art Project | Sandrine Pelissier | Artists Network
My Daughter's Portrait by Sandrine Pelissier

I hope this technique inspires you to make more art, and, of course, take part in The Big Picture. If you're ready to submit your stamp art, or any other drawing, to the collective art project, head over to

And, if you want another simple way of taking part in this global art initiative, try creating a no-phone selfie, which I cover in another post. Enjoy!

Can I Draw on Stamps


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